Our Target Groups


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Our Target Groups

HACI Kenya targets children, youths, women and men, including people with disability on different areas of need to help improve quality of life. HACI Kenya works together with donors, implementing agencies/partners and government of Kenya in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating developmental programs in rural and peri-urban settings to help in improve quality of life people living in such areas.

Our Approach

HACI Kenya has adopted a Community-based Approach through the establishment of (Age Gender Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM). A community-based approach to programming is an integral part of a long-term strategy that HACI Kenya has employed in its work in the communities at grass root levels. We strongly believe in working with the local community since it creates opportunity to then to take up the ownership of the program that enables for sustainability.


HUMANITARIAN AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY INITIATIVE (HACI) KENYA is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) and nonprofit

Recent Campaigns

HACI Kenya