Thematic Areas

HACI Kenya focuses on the following thematic areas


Advocating for Girl-child education while promoting retention in schools; capacity building for primary school teachers, board of management, parents and support

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This department employs holistic frame work to create an environment that promotes full respect for rights of individuals with special consideration for vulnerable

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This department advocates for implementation of safe water chains with interventions aimed at saving lives and reducing water, sanitation and Hygiene

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Health & Nutrition.

HACI works with existing health facilities under Ministry of Health to promote Expanded Program on Immunization(EPI) by mobilizing community and encouraging

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Food security and Livelihood

Building capacity of women, men and youths in business skills through training in village savings and loan, selection, planning and management of income generating.

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HACI Kenya

Human dignity and Gender equity

All women and men have equal rights in the community to participate in the development activities. HACI Kenya works to ensure participation of all targeted communities in its development interventions. All HACI Kenya staff shall have an equal opportunity to develop their careers and excel based on their experience and qualification. HACI Kenya Staff and management will ensure gender equity in all aspects of the organization.

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Our Testimonials

HACI works with existing health facilities under Ministry of Health to promote Expanded Program on Immunization(EPI)
by mobilizing community and encouraging mothers to undertake immunization for their personal health and the
children to minimize the risk of infant killer diseases .This reduces on the female and child
mortality rate; improve family planning; reduce HIV/AIDS infection among
sexually active groups; support and improve data
collection and dissemination.

Recent Stories

HACI Kenya believes in continuous quality improvement; and works to ensure that quality underpins all
the interventions we undertake. Quality assurance metrics will be reflected in donor reports
and partners engagements. Staffs shall be responsible
for maintaining the quality of the program during the activities’
implementation and dissemination.

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June 14 2024 07:23

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HUMANITARIAN AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY INITIATIVE (HACI) KENYA is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) and nonprofit

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HACI Kenya